
Advantages and characteristics of gold measuring machine

Measuring instrument is the most significant features: fast, lossless, accurate. There are many factors that affect the test results of the gold measuring machine. Due to the special circumstances of the jewelry products, the method should be used by the method to detect and be familiar with the following factors (these factors in different circumstances will have a great impact on the collection of characteristic line intensity 2) the surface of the sample to be tested or chemically treated; 3) the time of measurement; 4) the size of the sample to be tested and the content of the material contained in the sample; Shape; 5) the size of the sample measurement; 6) how much the content of precious metals; spectrum of gold machine types in accordance with the appearance to distinguish, there are three, respectively, as follows: 1) desktop: desktop gold machine general volume, weight, External desktop computers, equipment, good stability, high re-dominant. 2) portable: small size, light weight, easy to carry, need an external laptop, usually portable, also known as portable gold machine. 3) Handheld: the smallest size, the lightest weight, no external computer, the instrument built-in data display system, easy to carry on the test. Advantages of the spectrometer:

  1) 1 minute can be qualitative identification of gold and silver jewelry, 30 seconds to 60 seconds to automatically calculate the exact content of jewelry 2) the sample without any physical and chemical treatment, that is, non-destructive testing of gold and silver jewelry 3) Analysis: Analysis of gold, platinum, silver, palladium and other content of 0.3% to 99.99% 4) Analysis of accuracy: the average accuracy of up to ± 0.1% 5) safety performance indicators in line with national standards (light source of excitation for the MO target X-ray tube) 6 ) With temperature and humidity automatic compensation function 7) meet the most stringent radiation protection standards at the same time more simple sample placement and replacement model (using slider design) 8) probe pointer high, good performance, long life; 9) new 32 Bit of hardware and software system, reliable, efficient high-spectrum measurement of gold machine detection results usually need a comprehensive understanding, due to the different jewelry products, the use of different instruments, testing staff of different levels of quality, the detection of the results of the proposed range Select in the following range. With the reduction of precious metal content, the acceptable range will increase. The error range of the measurement result is 0.1% -3%. It can also be determined according to the agreement of the consignee. If the result is controversial, the result of GB / T 9288, GB / T 11886 and QB / T 1656 shall prevail. Spectrum measurement machine features are as follows: 1. Green environmental protection products for the X-ray tube (non-radioactive source), no harm to people and the environment. 2. Determination of elements Comprehensive detection of metals and metals in the precious metals industry, can measure: Gold Au (including K gold), platinum Pt, silver Ag, palladium Pd, rhodium Rh, copper Cu, zinc Zn, nickel Ni, tungsten W and so on a dozen metal elements content. 3. Accuracy of measurement High accuracy: Accuracy can reach ± ​​0.1%. High reproducibility: repeated detection of jewelry the same location, the test results basically no difference. 4. Widely used in the application of gold and silver jewelry production and processing, gold and silver recycling and purification, jewelry identification (pawn and adjust the line), testing department monitoring. The results of the spectrometer will be affected by the recipe of the jewelry. The spectrometer is a measuring instrument that uses the contrast method to detect jewelry. Therefore, the device software has a set of precious metal samples (including Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Cu, Zn, Ni) Calibration and correction of the data, the user was detected jewelry, if the mouth of the recipe and the national standard is very different (in most cases is K red jewelry), the test results will be greater deviation. To reduce the deviation, it is best to be able to use the user's jewelry to re-calibrate the instrument data.
see more:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Goldtestingmachine



What are the differences between the factors and characteristics of the gold tester?

Due to the special circumstances of the gold product jewelry products , the use of this method should be aware of and familiar with the following factors (the impact of these factors in different circumstances will have a great impact on the collection characteristics of line strength, and even cause justice) : A) the measured sample and the standard material and content contained in the element content is completely different; B) the surface of the test sample is coated or chemically treated; C) measurement time; D) the shape of the sample; E) the area measured by the sample; F) how much precious metal content; Gold testers test results usually require a comprehensive understanding of the different aspects of jewelry products, using different instruments, testers at different levels of quality, and testing the range of the proposed range. As the precious metal content decreases, the acceptable range will increase. The error range of the measurement result is 0.1% -3%.

Gold test method

Our daily life in the common inspection method is not Kaopu, then the gold test method is what ? 1, the density measurement method is simple and feasible It is understood that the density of gold at room temperature is 19.26 g / cm3 to 19.37 g / cm3, can be more accurate cups into a certain amount of water, and then into the gold bars into the water, measuring the new water, the sum of the two known gold bars The size, and then came to the density of gold bars. If the density is between the standard values, the gold bars are more likely to have a higher color, otherwise they may be doped. Common detection can be used density measurement method, this method is relatively simple, you can exclude some of the doped gold. This method can exclude most of the doped gold, but if the doping of gold through a strict proportion of the addition of other metals, it can not determine the iridium and tungsten, the proportion and the weight of gold and light similar to the measured density is not

The gold tester is able to determine the purity of the gold project

Every kind of gold has a different kind, and you need to know how to distinguish their true and false . Gold items should be tested before they are sold. You can not venture to sell fake gold items, and there are customers or two people complain about fake jewelry. Anyone can happen. You can provide a fake gold without knowing it, but you can make sure that you get these items from the gold jeweler is real and avoid this dilemma. Whether you are a seller or a terminal consumer, you should know how to distinguish between true and false gold. Skilled people can easily find a fake gold jewelry. According to these professionals, generally from the surface can be seen too shiny or too dark things may not be real gold. But gold can have different colors, from the brilliant yellow into pale yellow. Keep in mind that gold is usually alloyed with other metals to make it more durable. Gold itself is a very weak metal, it is easy to be scratched, but the amount of metal added, the lower the co